Sunday, October 19, 2008

Perfect Fall Weekend

What a beautiful weekend! Our 3rd consecutive at the property...the kids did not really want to head out there again, but it was so nice out...we had such a nice time, they were sad to leave on Sunday.

Steve finished a few carpentry chores, while the boys played with the Go-Kart, and Mom got in a couple of awesome mtb rides - the trails are in great shape! Rex also took a dip in the river (Brrr!) and we carved some jack-o-lanterns.

It will be great when we don't have to haul the trailer out to the place...we need to get the septic installed, and water lines run from the well. It will be a while, yet.

I am on-call next weekend, so the kids will have a little "break" from camping. That is all for now...enjoy the new pics!

1 comment:

Karin Kelley said...

Hi- I am watching and enjoying your adventures.

Dear sister Karin

Max and Rex in the UTV

Max and Rex in the UTV

Rex is ripping it

Rex is ripping it

View from back

View from back

"Beware of Max"

"Beware of Max"

The Amazing Rex!

The Amazing Rex!

Rex preparing for our woodstove

Rex preparing for our woodstove

Mommy's short ride

Rex making a volcano

Rex making a volcano

Base for pizza oven

Base for pizza oven

Rex is riding the loop

Max's self portrait

Max's self portrait

Rex's 'fro

Rex's 'fro

Mad Max!

3" on March 30th

The Moye Compound

Brotherly love by the river

Racing around

Motorcycle track at the property

Freddy the Cyclops

Freddy the Cyclops

Mother's Day ride

Max and "Lucca the Robot"

Max and "Lucca the Robot"

Rex rides past the burn pile

Putting in screws

Putting in screws

Max is smokin' the loop!

Max is smokin' the loop!



Rex goes for a swim!

Rex goes for a swim!

The "Burban" at the "Bar"

Max is on the ball!

Fun with mom's old books!

Fun with mom's old books!

Lumber for the woodshed

Lumber for the woodshed

Rex's new BB gun

Rex's new BB gun

Morning game of "Sorry"

Morning game of "Sorry"

Daddy's driving

Rex & Tony

Rex & Tony

This is our new dog, "Tony Hawk"

This is our new dog, "Tony Hawk"

Hiking at Gold Bar

Our cabin through the trees

Our cabin through the trees

Hot chocolate break during the ride

Rex's new Go-Kart!

Rex's new Go-Kart!

One of Mom's secret mtb trails!

One of Mom's secret mtb trails!

Checking out the trails near our property

Quick ride in-between the showers

Quick ride in-between the showers

River view

River view

Rex makes a "slingshot"

Christmas toys!

Christmas toys!

The boys are having some fun!

The boys are having some fun!

We're ready to go!

Hot chocolate break!

Max is driving his new RC car

Max is driving his new RC car

Mom is brewing

Where's the cache???

Max brought his Super-Soaker

Max brought his Super-Soaker

Christmas at Auntie Susan's

Muddy fun!

Boys by the campfire

Boys by the campfire

RTC Graduation!

Max and Mom head out for a ride

Camping at Tahuya

Rex finds a cache at the top of Skyline Trail